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Broken Parts?

We no longer replace your broken parts for free. But... 

...if you complete the form below and provide a clear photograph of your broken parts, we will replace struts for $.12 and balls for $.15 each. If you return them to us (at your expense), we will credit you $.05 for each strut, and turn them into new parts!

Teach everyone to R-E-S-P-E-C-T this magical tool. Like an iPhone, the Zometool is powerful, entertaining, and it makes you smarter. Like an iPhone, you can break it. 

Here’s the right way to disassemble the Zometool: squeeze the balls off the struts with your thumb and forefinger.  Practice by using a Zometool “lollipop.” The ball ejects in a delightful realtime demo of physics and gravity. 


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